Friday, November 30, 2007

How To Gain Financial Freedom Through Cashback Websites

If you are reading this, you have probably been wondering about starting an internet business to gain your financial freedom. Lots of people try to earn from the web but only a few can actually be successful at it. in my opinion, too much variety of money making tools makes people confused about the right one for them and their own capability.

As you read about the commoners who became millionaires through online businesses, you may start believing that you are destined to be one of them. After all, majority of the websites say they have foolproof schemes to make you rich instantly. That’s true, right?


Nothing is farther from reality than all the false promises made on the net about instant “get rich” schemes. I have only one word for them…SCAMS!!

In this article, I will tell you about genuine money making tool that may not make you rich but definitely help you earn some extra cash. It’s related to one of the most popular online activities – online shopping. However, most people have never heard of what is called ‘cashback websites’.

In simple words, it is a website that can be used every time you buy something on the web. A cashback website contains links to hundreds of online stores so that they are able to track your transactions.

If you have a website, you can advertise a retailer’s products or services on your website and a user clicks on it and purchases the item, you get paid in form of commission. Usually, this will about 5% but may vary from one merchant to another. The same mechanism applies to cashback websites except one basic difference. They will give a part or whole of the commission back to the person who bought the product.

That’s a great way to make money while shopping. Join a cashback website for free and earn while you shop online for your favorite products. Isn’t that great?

Don’t go for any sites that ask for upfront payment at the time of joining. The cashback website will make money as a predetermined profit margin that will be deducted from your commission.
If you plan to make money online through this tool, it is a good idea to attend financial freedom conferences to understand the workings of this technique.

Like I said, the average rate of cashback offered is around 5% and obviously, this isn’t a huge amount but is definitely a saving on the item being purchased by you. Some sites may even pay fixed amount and not on commission basis.

Another way to make money using cashback websites is by signing up at online services like free trial websites. You can make a pound or so just by filling up the application form. No need to spend a penny! There are thousands of such websites, so imagine the benefits of signing up with a cashback website in the long run.